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Scott Family / Famile Scott

Title (Fre)

Famile Scott


Black and white photograph of the Scott brothers: Willie, Neal and Jack; two of the boys (Willie & Jack) are sitting and Neal is standing between them; all three boys are wearing dark suits with jackets, short pants and boots.


Willie, Neal, and Jack Scott, children of William Scott Jr. and Eva Neal. William Scott Jr. was one of four children to Mary Coutts Scott and William Scott. Mary Coutts Scott was a sister of Elizabeth Coutts Farquharson. James Donaldson Morrison Sr. married Elizabeth Farquharson and they had four children: Neil F., James Donaldson Jr., Margaret, and John A. Neil F. Morrison was born in Sarnia and came to Windsor in 1922. He did undergraduate work at University of Toronto (1920) and a Masters and PhD. at the University of Michigan. He married Sara Moore of Aylmer in 1925 and they had one daughter, Paula. Neil Morrison died in 1967. He is the author of several books, including Garden Gateway to Canada..

Place made

Canada - Ontario - Windsor

Collection Name

Museum Windsor


Children / Enfants

Families / Familles


Scott, Jack

Scott, Neal

Scott, Willie

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