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Distribution & Transportation Artifacts


water transportation - accessory

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Found in the Amherstburg channel opposite Texas Rd. by five skin divers: Douglas Chamber, Mickey Hurt, Leo St. Croix, Donald Gene and Norman White in 1959. "We passed over it several times before we noticed it. There is another wreck left there which we will try to raise next year." - Douglas Chambers. The five amateur skin-divers were diving for pleasure in the channel when they noticed some wreckage and found the anchor buried in a gully. The anchor is believed to be from the schooner "A. Bradley" which collided with the "Brig Banner" in August, 1859. The newspaper account from the Detroit Free Press August 28, 1859 reports that the "Brig Banner" was being towed downriver in the channel when it collided with the "A. Bradley" traveling in the opposite direction. The account mentions that the bow of the "A. Bradley" was smashed. "This collision seems to coincide with circumstances of the anchor's recovery. We are, of course, not sure until we check further" - R. Alan Douglas

Collection Name

Museum Windsor

Subject (Fre)



Chamber, Douglas person

Gene, Donald person

Hurt, Mickey person

Kelsey Wheel Company organization

St. Croix, Leo person

Teno, Robert person

Transportation / Transport subject

Water / Eau subject

White, Norman person

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